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KPMG’s professionals work every step of the way in helping tax leaders constantly raise the bar in a high-stakes tax landscape.

Our knowledge and experience rank us among the world’s top tax firms. But what really sets us apart is our passion, collaboration and commitment to our client’s business success. KPMG professionals work with clients to learn all they can about their organization, understand their goals at the deepest level, and uncover unexpected opportunities. We tap into our vast team of functional, industry, legislative, jurisdictional and technical specialists, including the nearly 200 professionals in our Washington National Tax practice, to assemble the right people, tools and knowledge to tackle our client’s toughest tax issues.

Learn more about KPMG’s Tax Services

Tax Practice Groups

Economic & Valuation Services (EVS)

KPMG's EVS professionals offer a wide range of advanced analytical services that help clients make forward-thinking decisions about strategy, operations and compliance to create long-lasting value. Such deep analytical competencies are critical in the areas of transfer pricing, valuation, and economic analysis. KPMG is the only Big Four firm that incorporates these capabilities into a single practice.

Business Tax Services

KPMG provides tax consulting and compliance services for corporations, partnerships, trusts and individuals to help them comply with federal tax obligations. Attuned to the latest IRS rules and regulations, KPMG professionals help clients improve their business operations by providing knowledge and technology-based tools to enhance tax reporting.

Global Mobility Services

Moving the global workforce forward.
Competing in a global marketplace requires a nimble workforce that is the right size and has the right skills at just the right times. KPMG’s Global Mobility Services (GMS) team of experienced professionals along with our local knowledge of international markets help global companies better manage their international mobile workforce.

International Tax

KPMG’s International Tax professionals, with deep technical knowledge and practical experience, have a keen understanding of tax and trade regulations and changing business conditions in jurisdictions worldwide. This knowledge allows us to provide specialized services to support our clients’ international and cross-border activities.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Our Mergers & Acquisitions Tax professionals have deep experience creating tax efficiencies throughout the life cycle of a client’s business. When our clients are contemplating an acquisition, disposition, merger or restructuring, the importance of understanding and planning for the tax implications cannot be overlooked. It can mean the difference between exposing their business to dire risk or taking advantage of valuable transaction opportunities.

State & Local Tax Services (SALT)

KPMG’s State & Local Tax (SALT) professionals help companies navigate the ever-changing landscape to help ensure that our clients are paying the right amount in state taxes. Our team of more than 800 professionals work across functions, across state lines, and have experience across various industries including telecommunications, alternative investments, emerging technologies, and cloud computing.

Washington National Tax

Washington National Tax (WNT) is the technical core of KPMG’s Tax practice. With nearly 200 tax professionals—many drawing on prior job experience with the U.S. Department of Treasury, the Internal Revenue Service, Congress, and the U.S. Tax Court—the WNT team offers a distinctive breadth and depth of tax knowledge. WNT serves as a premier resource for clients and KPMG professionals in analyzing complex tax issues in connection with business decisions. The range of specialty groups within WNT facilitates multidisciplinary approaches to difficult issues that draw upon shared insights and leading practices.